Blog 2 - How I Think "The Assistant" Could Continu (go back »)

September 26 2008, 4:48 PM

When Malamud ends "The Assistant" he leaves a lot of questions unanswered. The very questions that made us want to keep reading his interesting book! I personally wouldn't mind if it did go on for several more pages, it was enjoyable fiction to read.

First of all, now that he is circumsized, WHAT is to happen with Frank & Helen? I think that in the last quarter of the last chapter Helen really started to garnish the respect for Frank that he deserved. Maybe now knowing that Frank circumsized himself and pretty much became Morris's definition of a Jew (not stealing and being a good person) Helen would even marry Frank. The problem that I can only think of does Frank tell Helen that he is circumsized? Worse yet, how does Frank convince Ida that he really is Jewish without Morris around to backup his definition and the fact that telling her that he circumsized himself may also be awkward. Maybe for that reason Malamud stopped writting? I don't know, but it would be nice for Frank and Helen, who FOIL eachother so well, to actually end up together.

Without Morris in the picture the book is missing a very central character. To bring him back would be a blunder. I mean, to physically bring him back from the dead would kill the realistic factor in the book, and to bring him back in long-stretched memories that Ida and Helen have (or any of the minor characters) just sounds boring. Even if they talk about some great adventure Morris went on that was more interesting than all the Indiana Jones movies; without him there, it just doesn't work. The worst way of all, though, that I see Morris coming back, is him waking up and his death is a dream. The story got so complex and interesting, that would just make me mad. So I guess that Morris is out, but maybe someone else could come in?

Frank is considering to open a restaurant. I would enjoy to see how this situation progresses, especially with Frank's tendency to screw up and how he didn't seem to screw up at all since falling on top of Morris's grave. Maybe Frank would have to hire some unique character to work at his restaurant, not in the way that Frank worked for Morris, but in a different way. A cook with a long story, or something like that. And his only role is to somehow have Helen fall in love with him. Then there is conflict again. Frank treats him harshly at his restaurant, not like how Morris was kind, until Frank kills this chef or harms him in a way that Helen wouldn't want to be with the chef anymore. Then, Frank becomes decent again, leaves Ida and Helen for good, since Frank can no longer love himself or anyone after killing out of jealousy. Wow, I am getting carried away, but I like this. Then, just as he came with bad news, just as he stayed committing many mistakes, Frank would leave Ida and Helen in their sadness.

As far as Ida's character goes, I think that without Morris she has no one to really contrast and will quiet down. Ida would make a bigand final buzz when Frank, if Frank, decides to wed Helen, but it could be her chance to embrace her 'son in law' and thank him for all he did for Morris, her, the story, and all he will do for Helen. I like this happier ending a lot more than the one I just wrote about, but with Frank's tendency to always mess up, I have a feeling that the one where he kills a cook and leaves Helen and Ida is more logical....which is unfortunate, so thank goodness that this is a story and not reality!!

I hope that you liked this, Meghan!! Have a great day, and I look forward to reading and responding to your blog!



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